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Configuring IPSEC
Configuring IPSEC

Complete guide to configuring IPSEC access on Ghost Path. Allows you to use native VPN access on mobile devices as well as MacOS Big Sur.

Jim Lastinger avatar
Written by Jim Lastinger
Updated over a week ago

IPSEC is a very common VPN protocol that has been part of many OS's for years. It's baked into iOS and Android operating systems and can easily be configured in MacOS.

Enabling IPSEC Access

IPSEC access is disabled by default. You'll need to enable it on our website before you can use it.

  1. Login here and click on VPN Settings.

2. Then click on Manage IPSEC access

3. The next screen will show whether or not IPSEC is already enabled on your account. You can easily enable it or see the current password you'll need to use.

4. Note the IPSEC password. That's what you'll use in the configuration portion below, depending on your device.

IMPORTANT: The IPSEC password is different from your Ghost Path account password that you would use to log into the Ghost Path website, use in the Ghost Path app, or use with any OpenVPN client. IPSEC password is only used in IPSEC connections.

MacOS Setup

For MacOS Big Sur and newer.

Follow these steps to configure IPSEC VPN access. You'll be able to easily turn the VPN off/on as well as switch between different IPSEC connections/servers.

  1. Open System Preferences and click on Network.

  2. You'll see a list of your network connections. Click the + icon to add a new connection.

3. In the popup that follows, choose VPN connection.

4. For the interface, choose Cisco IPSec. Then click Create.

5. On the next screen you'll enter your VPN server details. Choose the server that you want from and enter that server address here.

Your account name is your username, so

Your password is the IPSEC password from before.

6. Then click on Authentication Settings. You'll need to enter gogoVPN as the Shared Secret. Leave the other fields blank. Click OK.

7. Click Apply to Save your VPN config. You can click Connect to turn on the connection. We recommend choosing the 'Show VPN status in menu bar' option because it keeps your connections handy in the menu bar so you can easily connect and disconnect from servers.

iOS Configuration for IPSEC

The iOS configuration is very similar to the MacOS process.

  1. In the Settings app, scroll down to General > VPN.

  2. Click the Add VPN Configuration button.

  3. Then enter the following VPN details:
    For Type, choose IPsec.
    For Description, enter something memorable like "VPN Atlanta".
    For Server, choose your server address from
    For Account, enter your username.
    For Password, this is the IPSEC password from above.
    Leave Group Name blank.
    For Secret, enter gogoVPN

4. Click Done to save the configuration.

5. On the VPN list you can choose your VPN connection and then toggle On/Off slider to connect or disconnect.

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